

Algae Mould Moss & Lichen Control

Easy to use and effective agent that controls moss, mould, mildew, lichen and algae growing on most exterior hard surfaces. Popular ‘wet and walk’ type product


For initial application, use at a ratio of 1:4 (200mls per litre, 20% soln) with cold potable water and a ratio of 1:20 (50mls per litre, 5% soln) for subsequent applications. Spray onto surfaces, and leave.

For best results allow a dry contact time of at least 3 hours. Most surfaces do not require rinsing although some aged painted surfaces may require a rinse to avoid streaking.

Best applied first thing in the morning or last thing at night onto a cool surface to minimise evaporation with no rain expected for 12 hours.

Good Practice

Under Good Practice Protocol based on accepted international research a 1% solution of this product, diluted with potable water, is recommended with liberal application on clean hard surfaces with a minimum contact time of 10 minutes. At this concentration the product provides 1000PPM QAC.

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Available Sizes

Moss-Kill (5L)FK-MOSKI05
Moss-Kill (20L)FK-MOSKI20
Moss-Kill (200L)FK-MOSKI200


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